This directory contains a PDF presentation and an archive ZIP file. The PDF file outlines the results of a synoptic study of Dynamics Explorer (DE 1) Retarding Ion Mass Spectrometer (RIMS) moments calculations for 5 ion densities and temperatures. The ions included are H+, He+, He++, O+, and O++. The the archive file named contains *.txt files that contain means and standard deviations of ion densities and temperatures as functions of L-shell, f10.7, and time. The file names indicate the nature of the fits that are provided. HpN = H+ density HepN=He+ density HeppN=He++ density OpN=O+ density OppN=O++ density T is used instead of N to indicate temperature. Refer to the PDF for a synoptic review of this dataset and for the associated plots. Where linear fits have been performed, they are provided in the PDF on the included plots.